Paula Gonzalez

Osteopath -Montreal downtown

Paula Gonzalez

Paula’s interest in anatomy, physiology and the self-healing capacity of the body brought her to study osteopathy at the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal. Prior to pursuing osteopathy studies, she obtained a Master of Science degree from New York University. Paula is fluent in English, French and Spanish.

       While practicing at humanitarian missions in Peru and Pakistan with Osteopathy Without Borders, she was touched by the universal healing power and beauty of osteopathy. Her work aims to recover balance and harmony between body, mind, and spirit.

Paula was awarded the Andrew Taylor Still, D.O. Thesis Award for representing the advancement of Osteopathy in the field of Philosophical and Sociological Research. Paula’s research work was a qualitative study in the osteopathic approach to the vagus nerve. 


AXiO Health Clinic Montreal