Maxime Chevrier

Director General, Valleyfield and Vaudreuil sport medicine clinics / Sports psychology

Maxime Chevrier

Maxime Chevrier is a psychology teacher, a consultant in sports psychology, an author and lecturer. A UQTR psychology graduate, Maxime acquired further specialization in cognitive training and concussion management.  He is one of the few professionals in Canada to have advanced training in NeuroTracker, a cognitive tool that can be beneficial for athletes, concussion management and ADHD support. Maxime’s impressively accomplished background has received acclamation from the many young, amateur, professional and Olympic athletes that have benefited from his expertise. Whether it's for mental preparation, stress management or any other cognitive concern, Maxime helps athletes reach their full potential and peak performance. Maxime is also the co-author of the book entitled Psychopathology: An integrated approach, published in 2011 and reissued in 2017, which is an integral tool in the curriculums of several colleges and universities.


AXiO Sport Medicine Clinic Valleyfield AXiO Sport Medicine Clinic Vaudreuil